I have been given such a wonderful opportunity to provide a giveaway today through YOURLDSRADIO and YOURLDSMUSIC
But I thought first I would tell you a little bit about how I came across LDS music.
When I was sixteen years old I was finding that a lot of the music that was out there contained vulgar and suggestive lyrics.
I really thought that as a Latter Day Saint and by reading the Strength for Youth Pamphlet that I really should listen to music that is uplifting and inspiring and came across Gospel Music and Christian Music.
A year later I attended an EFY (Especially for Youth) conference in Calgary, Alberta Canada and received my very first EFY CD A Season for Courage. I listened to that CD more times then I could count and could sing many of the songs off by heart. They not only became a comfort but became an inspiration and council through the lyrics. I have since bought many EFY CD's and many other CD's by other LDS artists and have really come to love the music that has been inspired by the spirit.
I recently received an email from Your LDS Radio/Your LDS Music. asking if I would like to do a giveaway on my blog. It seemed like the perfect way to introduce my love of LDS music and have the opportunity to start writing again on my blog.

Offers Songbooks, Music, Sheet Music, CDS, and MP3 Downloads
I Have Been Asked to Give Away Two Fantastic Books on Motherhood.
Now it's Time To Enter
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Follow all the Directions in The Giveaway, Contest Ends December 20 at Midnight So Enter As Soon As Possible!
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