So I've been on this quest to read all the books I have bought within the last year and a half. Yes I have added to this list recently because I've bought a couple books but I've managed to read and get my number down so it's almost under 30.
But I wanted to share with you My Book Reviews of a couple of the titles because they were much awesomeness.
And Part of the Reason I wanted to blog was because I love to read books and I am in the Library Field so I thought Hey I could write a blog about what I read. Even though there are probably about a zillion other book blogs out there. I wanted it to just be about my lovely life and the books I read which is probably what every other book blog is about as well.
So ONTO The Books!

Rate it: Read it! ☼☼☼☼/☼☼☼☼☼ 4/5 Suns

So Initially when I read this book the first time, I had to return it to the library after I Inter-Library Loaned it (Borrowed it from another Library in Ontario, not my own) Because a page into it there is some ADULT content which suprised the heck out of me. It didn't go into to much detail but after reading A Handmaid's Tale. I was afraid it was going to turn into a really not fun book to read. However, with the Movie coming out and looking really good I decided to bunker down and buy it. So I Literally laid down on my couch for hours and I was hooked, the story is a little sci-fi and a little romance. I absolutely love Henry and Claire together. I loved that Henry Flashed Forward and Backward to signifigant points of his life as he figured out why he Shifted through time as he did. It went through the good and the bad days and the moments in time when Claire was on her own waiting for Henry to return from whatever point in time he had travelled to. I really have to say that although the language was colourful sometimes the story was awesome, I loved that Henry was able to exist when he was already in that time. I even thought that through their hardships their relationship was able to be as strong as it could and as honest as it could. It was such a good book, although there is some adult content and strong language(It is in the ADULT section afterall) I really enjoyed it.
Rate It: Read It unless you find that you shouldn't because of the strong adult content!
☼☼☼☼/☼☼☼☼☼ 4/5 Suns
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