Friday, February 27, 2009
If I Lost My Camera,
A Happy Coincidence
A Little Bit of Drive & A Little Bit of Motivation
It turns out that it was a ton of fun.
A Little Penguin Love University Tower Happiness and COLDNESS!
Mad Driving Skills (Blindfolded, What!?!)
I had everyone high fiving, feet measuring, showing off their mad tableau skills for Book of Mormon and Doctine and Covenants stories.
I can't believe it went over so well & that I want to do it again! I had fun thinking of creative things and laughing the entire night and I'm still laughing at these pictures..
Monday, February 23, 2009
"Happiness is the most attractive accessory a young woman can have."

Friday, February 20, 2009
Yes I am A Librarian...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Little More Love.. A Little More Appreciation
A Big Highlight of my week was getting to go over to my friend Belle's house to watch...
Which were also provided for consumption.. Which is always the best thing in the world!
So I was blog-surfing again today and found MORE great websites
one said website lead to this YouTube Video
Haven't You Always Wondered What News Anchors Do During Commericals?
The Wii Connundrum
I really want one! I will have some money to buy one, but there are so many other things that I could do with the money like..
- pay off more student loan
- pay off more of my car
- go on a road trip
- go on a vacation (PEI, North Carolina, Utah, Calgary, I can't decide where)
- buy books
- buy church books
- save money to buy an even bigger item, left to be determined.
I think that is all I've got to say at the moment, I've been trying to update for two days and I saved it yesterday because I ran out of time.
So Hopefully I'll have more to write soon, within the next day or so. I'm really hoping to become a more frequent blogger.
Chow for now!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
quotables.. and other things..

Not only that.. I got a RAISE with both of the school boards I work for so when pay day comes on friday and two fridays from now.. i'll have a good sum of money..
Looking Forward
There are some things I have been thinking about recently that are basically summed up in this thought from Matthew Hussey, who is a relati...

Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, “The youth of this generation have a greater capacity for obedience than any previous generation.” President Ge...
So I was walking into Wal-mart Tonight and there was a booth set up for Girl Guide Cookies and of course the first thing I thought was I mis...
So I have about 20 minutes to blog my heart out before I indeed "START" working, it sometimes takes me awhile to get started. And ...